
























1. Wilhelm Max Wundt

2. William James

3. John Broadus Watson

4. van Petrovich Pavlov

5. Sigmund Freud

帝京平成大学大学院 臨床心理学研究科 臨床心理学専攻)




名古屋市立大学大学院 人間文化研究科 人間文化専攻)




名古屋市立大学大学院 人間文化研究科 人間文化専攻)






a. ヴント 

b. 1879年



a:自己観察 b:行動主義 c:行動



<英文 English text>





Psychology as a discipline began in 1879 when Wundt founded the Psychology Laboratory at the University of Leipzig. Wundt advocated elementalism, and Tichenor, a disciple of Wundt, carried on Wundt's intentions as constructivism. Wundt analyzed consciousness under strictly controlled conditions using the method of introspection, in which well-trained experimental participants were asked to observe and report the contents of their own consciousness. Wundt's constructivism was subsequently criticized by many quarters, including behaviorism, Gestalt psychology, and psychoanalysis, but it expanded and developed the field of psychology.


Wundt, who was an assistant to the renowned physiologist Helmholtz, H.L.F. von, was skilled in scientific research using experimentation and observation, and he brought experimentation and observation to the analysis of consciousness.


The History of Psychology to Date and Issues to be Addressed by Psychology in the Future


 Psychology as a discipline began in 1879 with Wundt's founding of a psychological laboratory at the University of Leipzig, and the early 20th century saw the rise of behaviorism, Gestalt psychology, and psychoanalysis in opposition to Wundt's constructivism.

 Behaviorism criticized constructivism because consciousness is a subjective phenomenon that cannot be observed externally, and argued that in order for psychology to become a science, it should focus on behavior that can be observed objectively from the outside. Behaviorism was inherited by Skinner and Hull and has become the basis for behavior therapy and applied behavior analysis.

 Gestalt psychology criticized Wundt's constructivism, in which Wertheimer, Koehler, Koffka, and others emphasized the wholeness of psychological phenomena and considered consciousness to be a composite of components. They argued that the properties of the psychological phenomenon as a whole cannot be reduced to its component elements and should be studied as a single coherent whole. The ideas of Gestalt psychology were later carried on in cognitive psychology and social psychology, contributing to the development of those psychological fields.

 Freud, a Viennese psychiatrist, believed that the unconscious played a more important role in human mental activity than consciousness, and that analyzing consciousness alone was not enough to gain a deep understanding of the human mind. Therefore, he founded psychoanalysis to explore the unconscious world through methods such as free association and dream analysis. Freud's theories occupy an important role in the fields of personality psychology and clinical psychology.

 The theoretical goal of psychology is to create theories about the mind and to be able to explain mental phenomena. It also needs to produce findings that are useful in practice. Helping people with problems and improving on education are considered to be among the issues that psychology should address in the future. To this end, it is necessary to contrast and develop both basic research that focuses on the elements of the mind and applied fields that consolidate and synthesize findings into something useful in practice.





Confirmation Question.



Choose the correct name of one person who established a psychological laboratory at the University of Leipzig, Germany, to study sensations, emotions, and ideas (representations) as components of consciousness.

1. Wilhelm Max Wundt

2. William James

3. John Broadus Watson

4. van Petrovich Pavlov

Sigmund Freud

(Department of Clinical Psychology, Teikyo Heisei University Graduate School of Clinical Psychology)



The year of independence of psychology is considered to be the year (a) when (b) established the world's first psychology laboratory at the University of Leipzig.

(Department of Human Culture, Graduate School of Humanities, Nagoya City University)



As a research method in psychology, the introspection (introspection) method has drawbacks such as (a) inability to study subjects who do not have the ability to do so, (b) represented by Watson, did not study internal mental activities such as thinking as much as possible, and only studied subjects who could be objectively measured (c).

(Department of Human Culture, Graduate School of Humanities, Nagoya City University)








a. Wundt 

b. 1879



a: self-observation

b: behaviorism

c: action