- ポイント
- 確認問題
- Point.
- Question.
- Solution.
うつ病(major depressive disorder)
青年期(20代〜30代の比較的若い世代)に近年多くみられるうつ病。関連する気質はwaltersが提唱した学生無気力症(student apathy)や退却傾向と無気力がある。
DSM-5以前では双極性障害とともに、気分障害(mood disorder)と総称されていた。
A. 以下の症状のうち5つ(またはそれ以上)が同じ2週間の間に存在し、病前の機能からの変化を起こしている。これらの症状のうち少なくとも1つは(1)抑うつ気分、または(2)興味または喜びの喪失である。
→精神運動制止または興奮(Psychomoter retadaition or agitation)
B. その症状は、臨床的に意味のある苦痛、または社会的、職業的、または他の重要な領域における機能の障害を引き起こしている。
C. そのエピソードは物質の生理学的作用、または他の医学的疾患によるものではない。
D. 抑うつエピソードは、統合失調感情障害、統合失調症、統合失調症様障害、妄想障害、または他の特定および特定不能の統合失調症スペクトラム障害および他の精神病性障害群によってはうまく説明されない。
E. 躁病エピソードまたは軽躁病エピソードが存在したことがない。
アクセプタンス&コミットメント・セラピー(ACT: Acceptance and commitment therapy)
対人関係療法(interpersonal therapy)
論理情動行動療法(rational emotin behavior therapy)
回想法(reminiscence / life review)
持続性抑うつ障害(気分変調症)(Persistent Depressive Disorder)
A. 抑うつ気分がほとんど1日中存在し、それのない日よりもある日のほうが多く、その人自身の説明または他者の観察によって示され、少なくとも2年続いている。
B. 抑うつの間、以下のうち2つ(またはそれ以上)が存在すること
C. この症状の2年の期間中(子どもや青年については1年間)一度に2ヵ月を超える期間、基準AおよびBの症状がなかったことはない。
D. 2年の間、うつ病の基準を持続的に満たしているかもしれない。
E. 躁病エピソードまたは軽燥病エビソードが存在したことは一度もなく、また、気分循環性障害の基準を満たしたこともない。
F. 障害は、持続性の統合失調感情障害、統合失調症、妄想性障害、他の特定される、または特定不能の統合失調症スペクトラム障害やその他の精神病性障害ではうまく説明されない。
G. 症状は、物質(例:乱用薬物、医薬品)、または他の医学的疾悪(例:甲状腺機能低下症)の生理学的作用によるものではない
H. 症状は、臨床的に意味のある苦痛、または社会的、職業的、または他の重要な領域における機能の障害を引き起こしている
双極性障害(bipolar disorder)
DSM-5以前では双極性障害とうつ病ともに、気分障害(mood disorder)と総称されていた。
A. 少なくとも1つ以上の躁病エピソードに該当すること
B. 躁病エピソードと抑うつエピソードの発症が、統合失調感情障害、統合失調症、統合失調症様障害、妄想性障害、または、他の特定されるまたは特定不能の統合失調症スペクトラム障害および他の精神病性障害ではうまく説明されない。
A. 気分が異常かつ持続的に高揚し、開放的または易怒的となる。加えて、異常にかつ持続的に亢進した目標指向性の活動または活力がある。このような普段とは異なる期間が、少なくとも1週間、ほぼ毎日、1日の大半において持続する(入院治療が必要な場合はいかなる期間でもよい)
B. 気分が障害され、活動または活力が亢進した期間中、以下の症状のうち3つ(またはそれ以上)(気分が易怒性のみの場合は4つ)が有意な差をもつほどに示され、普段の行動とは明らかに異なった変化を象徴している。
Flight of ideas:観念奔逸,または思考の空転(4)
Activity increase:活動性亢進(6)
Sleep deficit:睡眠欠如(2)
D. 本エピソードは、物質(例:薬物乱用、医薬品。または他の治療)の生理学的作用、または他の医学的疾患によるものではない。(除外基準)
A. 少なくとも1つの軽躁病エピソードが、診断基準(「軽躁病エピソード」の項、基準A〜F)に該当し、加えて、少なくとも1つの抑うつエピソードが診断基準(「抑うつエピソード」の項、基準A~C)に該当したことがある。
B. 過去、躁病エピソードがない。
A. 気分が異常かつ持続的に高揚し、開放的または易怒的となる。加えて、異常にかつ持続的に亢進した活動または活力のある、普段とは異なる期間が、少なくとも4日間、ほぼ毎日、1日の大半において持続する。
B. 気分が障害され、かつ活力および活動が亢進した期間中、以下の症状のうち3つ(またはそれ以上)(気分が易怒的のみの場合は4つ)が持続しており、普段の行動とは明らかに異なった変化を示しており、それらは有意の差を持つほどに示されている。
C. 本エピソード中は、症状のない時の其の人固有のものではないような、疑う余地のない機能の変化と関連する。
D. 気分の障害や機能の変化は、他者から観察可能である。
E. 本エピソードは、社会的または職業的機能に著しい障害を引き起こしたり、または入院を必要とするほど重要ではない。もし精神病性の特徴を伴えば、定義上、そのエピソードは躁病エピソードとなる。
F. 本エピソードは、物質(ex:薬物乱用、医薬品、またはその他の治療)の生理学的作用、または他の医学的疾患によるものではない。
・mood stabilizer
(静岡大学大学院 人文社会科学研究科 臨床人間科学専攻)
(京都学園大学大学院 人間文化研究科 人間文化専攻)
(法政大学大学院 人間社会研究科 臨床心理学専攻)
(法政大学大学院 人間社会研究科 臨床心理学専攻)
1.思考抑制 2.行動抑制 3.抑制欠如 4.不決断 5.過食
(法政大学大学院 人間社会研究科 臨床心理学専攻)
うつ病やその他の抑うつを主な症状とする疾患の診断基準について、アメリカ精神医学会が2013年に発表したDSM-5では、DSM-Ⅳにおける分類、診断基準と比べていくつかの変更点がみられる。変更点を順に挙げ、変更によりクライエントに生じるメリットand / orデメリットがあれば言及しなさい。産後に発症するうつ病/抑うつ状態に関しては必ず含めなさい。
(名古屋市立大学大学院 人間文化研究科 人間文化専攻)
1.アセチルコリン 2.アドレナリン 3.オキシトシン 4.セロトニン
(静岡大学大学院 人文社会科学研究科 臨床人間科学専攻)
Major Depressive Disorder(大うつ病性障害)の随伴症状である「産後うつ病」が「出産前後のうつ病」に拡大されたことが変更点としてあげられる。DSM-IVでは「産後うつ病」が扱われていたが、出産後だけではなく妊娠中からでも気分変動は生じることから、DSM-5では期間を拡大し、妊娠中・出産後4週を含む「出産前後のうつ病」と改められた。「産後うつ病」が扱われてる期間が長くなったことがクライエントのメリットである。
<英文/English text>
Depression (major depressive disorder)
Depressed mood
Significant decrease in interest and pleasure
Decreased appetite and weight loss (increased appetite and overeating)
Insomnia (hypersomnia)
Psychomotor agitation or psychomotor inhibition
Decreased energy and fatigue
Feelings of self-worth and guilt
Decreased ability to think and concentrate, difficulty making decisions
Suicidal thoughts, recurrent thoughts of death
Types of Depression
Melancholy Affinity Type Depression
Depression is common among middle-aged and older adults. It is the conventional depression we recognize as depression. Related temperaments include the obsessive temperament proposed by Shimoda and the melancholy affinity personality proposed by Thelenbach (bookkeeping, perfectionism in everything, strong sense of responsibility, and meticulous attention to interpersonal relationships). Symptomatic features include agitation and inhibition, exhaustion and guilt, and constant contemplative suicide attempts that may be completed.
Dyschymic Affective Depression (Modern Depression)
Depression that has become more common in recent years among adolescents (relatively young people in their 20s and 30s). Related temperaments include "student apathy" proposed by Walters, and a tendency toward retreat and apathy.
Symptomatic features include feelings of inadequacy and fatigue, avoidance and other-punitive feelings (tendency to blame the world and others, with little sense of guilt toward oneself), impulsive self-harm, and mild suicide attempts.
Masked depression
Depression in which the patient complains more strongly of physical symptoms (e.g., inability to sleep, persistent low-grade fever) than of mental symptoms (e.g., depressed mood, irritability), which are common in depression.
Before DSM-5, it was collectively called mood disorder along with bipolar disorder.
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is thought to function to bring about mental stability. As a pathogenic mechanism of depression, serotonin, together with dopamine and noradrenaline, are collectively referred to as monoamines, and the hypothesis that these monoamine phenomena are associated with the occurrence of depression is called the monoamine hypothesis.
Diagnostic Criteria for Depression
A. Five (or more) of the following symptoms are present during the same 2-week period, causing a change from pre-morbid functioning. At least one of these symptoms is (1) depressed mood or (2) loss of interest or pleasure.
(1) depressed mood
(2) Significant decrease in interest and pleasure
(3) Appetite change and weight change (decrease or increase)
(4) Sleep disturbance (insomnia or hypersomnia)
(5) Psychomotor agitation or cessation
(6) Fatigue or loss of energy
(7) Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
(8) Decreased ability to think and concentrate or difficulty making decisions
(9) Suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts
B. The symptoms are causing clinically meaningful distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
C. The episode is not due to the physiological effects of the substance or to another medical disorder.
D. The depressive episode is not well explained by schizoaffective disorder, schizophrenia, schizophreniform disorder, delusional disorder, or other specified and unspecified schizophrenia spectrum disorders and other groups of psychotic disorders.
E. No manic or hypomanic episodes have ever been present.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Bipolar disorder
A condition in which mood swings exceed the normal range and persist continuously.
Mood swings
Becomes angry over trivial matters
Increased talk
Cannot help but act
Can't stop talking
Easily distracted
Increased social activities such as work
Increased aimless behavior
Types of Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar I Disorder
Normal recurrent depression in which the two mood states of "manifest" (elated state) and "depressed" (depressed state) appear repeatedly.
Bipolar II disorder
Manipulative depression in which the "depressed" state appears normally but the "manic" state appears as a mildly charged state. At first glance, it can be mistaken for depression.
Mood Cycling Disorder
Mild bipolar disorder. Not normal mood swings, but not as severe as bipolar II.
Prior to DSM-5, both bipolar disorder and depression were collectively referred to as mood disorders.
Diagnostic Criteria for Bipolar I Disorder
A. At least one manic episode
B. The onset of manic and depressive episodes is not well explained by schizoaffective disorder, schizophrenia, schizophreniform disorder, delusional disorder, or other identified or unspecified schizophrenia spectrum disorders and other psychotic disorders.
Manic episodes
A. Abnormally and persistently elevated mood, open or angry. In addition, there is unusual and persistent heightened goal-directed activity or vigor. These unusual periods persist for most of the day, nearly every day, for at least a week (or for any length of time if inpatient treatment is required).
→Emotional disturbance causes exhilaration/easiness to be markedly different from usual
B. During the period of impaired mood and increased activity or vitality, three (or more) of the following symptoms (four if mood is exclusively irritable) are exhibited to a significantly different degree, representing a distinct change from usual behavior.
(1) Hypertrophy or exaggeration of self-esteem
(2) Decreased need for sleep
(3) More talkative than usual or a sense of urgency to keep talking
(4) Subjective experiences such as ideation or jostling between ideas.
(5) Distractions (i.e., attention is too easily diverted to other unimportant or irrelevant external stimuli) are reported. or observed.
(6) Increased goal-directed activity (either social, at work or school, or sexual) or psychomotor agitation (i.e., meaningless nongoal-directed activity)
(7) Enthusiasm for activities that are likely to lead to troubling outcomes (e.g., devotion to uncontrolled buying, sexual indiscretion, or investment in ridiculous ventures).
C. This mood disturbance is causing significant impairment in social or occupational functioning, or is severe enough to require hospitalization to prevent harm to self or others, or is accompanied by psychotic features. (Significant impairment in functioning)
D. This episode is a result of a substance (e.g., drug abuse, pharmaceuticals. or other treatment) physiological effects, or due to other medical illness. (Exclusion Criteria)
Diagnostic Criteria for Bipolar II Disorder
A. At least one hypomanic episode meets the diagnostic criteria ("hypomanic episode" section, criteria A~F), plus at least one depressive episode has met the diagnostic criteria ("depressive episode" section, criteria A~C).
B. No previous manic episodes.
Hypomanic episodes
A. Abnormally and persistently elevated mood, open or angry. In addition, unusual and persistent periods of heightened activity or vitality that are unusual and persist for most of the day, nearly every day, for at least 4 days.
B. During the period of impaired mood and increased energy and activity, three (or more) of the following symptoms (four if mood is exclusively irritable) persist and show markedly different changes from usual behavior, which are significantly different It is so indicated that it has
(1) Hypertrophy or exaggeration of self-esteem
(2) Decreased need for sleep
(3) More talkative than usual or a sense of urgency to keep talking
(4) Subjective experiences such as ideation or jostling between ideas.
(5) Distractions (i.e., attention is too easily diverted to other unimportant or irrelevant external stimuli) are reported. or observed.
(6) Increased goal-directed activity (either social, in the workplace or school, or sexual), or psychomotor agitation (i.e., meaningless nonpsychoactive activity)
(7) Enthusiasm for activities that are likely to lead to troubling outcomes (ex: devotion to uncontrolled buying, sexual indiscretion, or investment in ridiculous ventures, etc.)
→Same as manic episodes.
C. During this episode, the person is associated with unquestionable changes in functioning that are not unique to the person in the absence of symptoms.
→whether or not different from usual.
D. Mood disturbances and changes in functioning are observable to others.
→Whether or not it is observable by others
E. The episode is not significant enough to cause significant impairment in social or occupational functioning or require hospitalization. If accompanied by psychotic features, the episode is by definition a manic episode.
→Not significantly impaired functioning
F. The episode is not due to the physiological effects of a substance (ex: drug abuse, pharmaceuticals, or other treatment) or other medical condition.
Differentiating Depression from Bipolar Disorder
The person presenting with depression should be asked if there is a history of manic episodes. Clues to look for bipolar disorder among those diagnosed with depression include response to antidepressants (e.g., whether antidepressants have caused mania), symptoms (e.g., agitation, irritability, overeating or increased appetite), and medical history (recurrent episodes, family history, young onset).
Treatment Considerations for Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is treated with mood stabilizers to prevent episodes. Medications for bipolar disorder often require the patient to endure painful side effects. You may have to take several different medications. Frequent blood draws are also required. The patient's own awareness of the disease and cognitive function may deteriorate. Understanding the above, support can be considered for patients who do not receive proper drug treatment. In addition, since it is extremely difficult to prevent recurrence of episodes with medication alone, interpersonal and social rhythm therapy should be used in combination. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia, psychotherapy for anxiety, and biofeedback therapy for physical symptoms are also considered effective.
Briefly explain the following terms.
mood stabilizer
(Department of Clinical Human Sciences, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Shizuoka University)
What are the following mental symptoms or disorders?
Loss of life energy, pessimistic thinking, guilt, and thoughts of death.
(Kyoto Gakuen University, Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Department of Human Culture)
Self-assessment of depression (1) is a well-known self-administered rating scale for depression, and (2) is a well-known rating scale for depression based on interview and observation.
(Department of Clinical Psychology, Graduate School of Human and Social Studies, Hosei University)
Answer the most appropriate word or phrase in parentheses.
In endogenous depression, symptom (1), which is more severe in the morning and somewhat less severe in the evening, is more likely to be observed. In addition, autonomic symptoms such as anorexia, light-headedness, and constipation are also characteristic of endogenous depression, and (2) is the one in which the mood disorder is less prominent and the patient often visits an internist with physical symptoms as the main complaint. In the treatment of prolonged depression, Beck's method (3) has been effective.
(Department of Clinical Psychology, Graduate School of Human and Social Studies, Hosei University)
Which of the following symptoms is often observed in the manipulative state? Choose the most appropriate one.
Thought suppression 2. Behavioral suppression 3. Lack of inhibition 4.
(Department of Clinical Psychology, Teikyo Heisei University Graduate School of Clinical Psychology)
Describe the characteristics of melancholy-affected depression and modern depression, comparing the two concepts.
(Department of Clinical Psychology, Graduate School of Human Studies, Taisho University)
Mood disorders are broadly classified into two types: (1) unipolar and (2) unipolar affective disorders. The pre-symptomatic personality of depression, a unipolar affective disorder, is well known as the (2) personality proposed by Kozo Shimoda and the (3) personality proposed by Terenbach.
(Department of Clinical Psychology, Graduate School of Human and Social Studies, Hosei University)
The DSM-5, released by the American Psychiatric Association in 2013, has several changes in diagnostic criteria for depression and other disorders with depression as a major symptom, compared to the classification and diagnostic criteria in the DSM-IV. List the changes in order and mention any advantages and/or disadvantages to the client as a result of the changes. Be sure to include any depression/depression that develops postpartum.
(Nagoya City University, Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Department of Humanities and Sciences)
Which of the following neurotransmitters is most relevant to depression?
1. acetylcholine 2. adrenaline 3. oxytocin 4. serotonin
(Department of Clinical Human Sciences, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Shizuoka University)
Mood stabilizers. A psychiatric medication used to treat mood disorders characterized by severe and persistent mood changes, typically bipolar disorder. The term "antimanic" is generally used for mood stabilizers, a remnant of the era in Japan when only antipsychotic and antimanic drugs were classified as such.
1, SDS
2, HAM-D
1, Diurnal variation
2, Masked depression
3, Cognitive Therapy
Melancholy-affected depression is a conventional depression, a depression with the pre-psychotic personality of depression proposed by Thelenbach. It is characterized by an ordinary and perfectionist attitude toward everything, as well as a strong sense of responsibility and meticulous attention to interpersonal relationships. They have a strong sense of guilt and depression, as well as a rare desire to die.
On the other hand, modern depression, also known as dysthymia-affected depression, is a type of depression that is more common among relatively young people in their 20s and 30s in recent years. The depressed mood and desire to die that are characteristic of melancholy-affected depression are less prominent, and a sense of inadequacy and malaise tend to come to the fore. In addition, there is little sense of guilt toward oneself, but rather a tendency to blame the world or others, such as "It is the fault of the current society or the company that I am in this state.
1, Bipolar
2, Obsession
3, Melancholy affinity type
One of the changes is that "postpartum depression," which is an accompanying symptom of Major Depressive Disorder, has been expanded to include "depression before and after childbirth. Therefore, the DSM-5 expanded the time period and changed the term to "peri- and postpartum depression" to include the period during pregnancy and the first four weeks after delivery. Clients benefit from the longer period of time that "postpartum depression" is treated.